Wednesday, June 15, 2011

what would happen if my luck runs out?

evening everyone,
its a beautiful day & i'm about to go to "bercanda" with my uncle po. a gud friend of mine, he's like a brother who listen to my complaints, a fren who always pick me up & go layan my "nak makan sedap2 session". we will meet our ol friends, Faiz & his wife who is now 3months pregnant, congrats bro. eh! nampak tak topic kat title tak telly ngn cerita yang aku cite ni? ok ok.... back to the track...last nite, mase tgk tv... i kinda like this conversation in "desperate housewife"

Woman : What would happen if my luck runs out?
Man : Why asked?

Paham tak?
Maksudnyer, ape pun jadi dalam hidup, tak perlu merungut. merungut doen't help you to go anywhere. Don't asked, cherish every moment. Life is too beautiful & unpredictable. "many dreams to catch"

kenapa aku cakap mcm tu? sebab beberapa hari many bad things happen. Upset + mad + petulant!!! yes, i am... Too be honest, that's what i've been telling myself "chill babe, chill". Well, i know "the stories" that i've heard are not that big. Crying for nights, wondering what when wrong, accepting things that u didn't do, or etc. Tapi paling susah ialah menerima kekurangan/ kelemahan diri sendiri. it really slashed your ego,man!!!~ I'm lucky bosses that membetulkan kesalahan tanpa menunding jari pada sesiapa, tapi diorg cakap betulkan diri sendiri dulu.
Petulant? yes i am. takpela... biarlah diorg nak cakap ape2 pun, terpulang lah.... yang penting, bila tahu diri sendiri salah. betulkan. Saya beringat, you still not good cos u r human, human make mistakes. Unfair, thats what i felt, tapi persetankan itu semua. But slowly, He gave me "an inner peace" ~ mcm cite Kungfu Panda kan????? (*tibe2) thanks to Him, He always test me to make me feel like a human, bila diatas selalu kena rendah diri, sebab kdg2 aku agak berlagak (itu yg diorg cakap)... no matter what, ade je org yang lagi bagus dari kita, Bagus? i'm far from that.... banyak kena belajar.
Lesson for this dramas (sebab dia never ending kan) :
Anda sudah nampak, siapa kawan siapa lawan, siapa yang tak suka anda tapi buat2 baik ngn anda, ape yang jadi buat aku nampak siapa KAWAN, siapa SAHABAT. Instinct saya betul, mereka yang menjadi bahu saya, adalah SAHABAT saya. yang lain? persetankan.

Tuhan memberi ruang untuk semua orang. Itu yang aku percaya. So, Ina... Chill bebeh, chill.

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